
You use the GustavPHP\Gustav\Attribute\Route attribute to define an endpoint.

public function list()

By default the GET method is used, however you can pass a method using the GustavPHP\Gustav\Router\Method enum.

#[Route('/dogs', Method::POST)]
public function create()

You can also use parameters in your path by surround a path segment with curly braces. You can access a param by using the GustavPHP\Gustav\Attribute\Param attribute in the arguments.

The argument passed to the attribute must match the one from the desired path segment.

public function create(#[Param('dog')] string $id)

Of course you can use multiple parameters.

public function getCollar(
    #[Param('dog')] string $id,
    #[Param('collar')] string $collar

The framework uses an internal router to match incoming requests to the defined routes.

The router is parsing all routes upfront and stores them in a hashmap on start. This way the router can match the incoming request to the correct route in O(1) time.