
Learn how to configure Docus.

$configuration = new Configuration(
    mode: \GustavPHP\Gustav\Mode::Production,
    namespace: __NAMESPACE__,
    cache: __DIR__ . '/../cache/',
    files: __DIR__ . '/../public/',
    eventNamespaces: [],
    routeNamespaces: [],
    serviceNamespaces: [],
    serializerNamespaces: []
modeSets the application in development or production.
namespaceSets the application namespace for class discovery.
cacheAbsoulute path to the directory used for cache.
filesAbsoulute path to the directory used for static assets.
eventNamespacesNamespace for all additional Event classes.
routeNamespacesNamespace for all additional Route classes.
serviceNamespacesNamespace for all additional Service classes.
serializerNamespacesNamespace for all additional Serializer classes.